Fishing Clash: 野外釣魚冠軍 。終極釣魚遊戲(Android、iOS)
- App : Fishing Clash: 野外釣魚冠軍 。終極釣魚遊戲 iOS版,Android版
- 提供者: Ten Square Games S.A.
Fishing Clash: 野外釣魚冠軍 。終極釣魚遊戲 iOS版下載
Fishing Clash: 野外釣魚冠軍 。終極釣魚遊戲安卓版下載
Fishing Clash: 野外釣魚冠軍 。終極釣魚遊戲 介紹
“極限運動釣魚 – Fishing Clash——愛好盡在掌間!
•更快更好 – 釣到更多昂貴的魚兒
•探索數以百計的3D魚兒 – 看看他們如何在水中遨遊
當時已經到達瞭獲得加強卡片與釣魚材料,並改善您的天才釣魚釣魚最有趣和免費的釣魚遊戲二千七十七。加入我們的俱樂部獲得真正的獎杯 – 大魚。時間到達釣魚與極限運動釣魚 – 一個新的三維遊戲從十方形遊戲,最好的以前的應用程序(讓我們的魚應用程序)。
釣魚在一個新的世界級運動風格的遊戲。加入世界上最好的和最受歡迎的運動,完全免費的釣魚遊戲可用於每種類型的手機。參加體育賽事和各種釣魚比賽與你的朋友競爭追捕你的下一個捕獲。現在就把你的大魚換成這個時候瞭。在美國最大的戶外釣魚冒險,並通過抓捕和愛玩遊戲去探索驚人的釣魚場所 – 今年,我們的終極,最現實的釣魚模擬器應用程序在每種移動類型上獲得釣魚熱。
每季遊戲?我們的在線模擬遊戲,您可以訪問最近的河流,淡水湖泊,海洋或海洋,以優質運動釣魚盡可能多的你想要的。無論是淡季釣魚還是即將到來的錦標賽,您都可以參加我們的釣魚比賽。任何相信我們的人都會免費的。以現實的三維圖形,漁業位於世界自然界,您將感覺到您現在正在釣魚。站在釣魚碼頭,拿著你的釣魚竿 – 和你的大魚一起戰鬥!贏得與鯊魚或低音的鬥爭,並獲得釣魚大師或魚遊戲王的稱號。釣魚是驚人的,沒有錢
去旅行 – 競爭並贏得令人興奮的事情。
令人驚嘆和最驚人的地點 – 訪問世界上最著名的國傢,如美國,澳大利亞,
旅行到自然中的美麗的地方像。北美。從佛羅裡達州開始,前往最大的阿拉巴馬州湖泊 – 另一個湖泊。你的下一站將是凱乃河。阿拉斯加最受歡迎的運動釣魚目的地,特別以其鮭魚和虹鱒魚而聞名。你能打敗嗎
極限運動釣魚是最高品質的移動釣魚模擬器。混合的釣魚模擬器,戶外應用程序和體育遊戲。在線遊戲免費 – 比任何其他二千一十六個釣魚遊戲或應用程序!您可以選擇運動,低音,飛釣和冰釣以及任何其他形式的捕捉大魚。
美國現實多樣的釣魚環境:佛羅裡達州,阿拉斯加州,阿拉巴馬州。加上魚類有兩類 – 常規和罕見的老板!
專業漁具適用於不同類型的漁業 – 海運,紡紗,浮動,冰和釣魚。
偉大的社會釣魚經驗和最佳競爭體系 – 冠軍,決鬥(多人),活動和領導板!
廣泛選擇的加強卡收集和升級項目 – 增強您的釣魚體驗!
mobile game – Hobby in your pocket!
Face other players in real-time PvP!
-Be faster and better – catch more valuable fish species
-Beat your opponents and win exclusive rewards
-Get social and interact with other anglers
Enjoy vivid 3D graphics!
-Visit great animated realistic fisheries
– Discover hundreds of 3D fish species – look how realistically they move
– Feel the power of professional fishing gear
Don't miss time-limited events
-Enjoy new content and in-game events every week
-Take part in championships
-Compete with other players in leaderboards
Pick the right fishing gear and get your fishing career rolling
-Collect and upgrade lures to reach higher levels
-Unlock new fisheries and get access to new fish species and quests
-Choose your gear wisely to increase the weight of fish
-Get buffs to be faster and more accurate
Enjoy fishing with this season's most realistic fishing simulator!
Collect booster cards with fishing equipment and upgrade your professional fishing tackle in best free fishing game of 2017. Join our elite fishing club and catch a real trophy – big fish. It’s time to go fishing with Fishing Clash – free fishing simulator, a new 3D game from Ten Square Games, the producer of Let's Fish app.
Fishing in a truly world sport style!Join the most popular sport in the world with the best free fishing game available for mobile devices! Take part in sport events and fishig tournaments, compete with your friends to hunt down your next catch and reel your big fish in! Enjoy a fishing adventure in the America’s greatest outdoors and visit stunning fishing locations through gripping and addictive gameplay – Catch the fishing fever this season with the ultimate, most realistic fishing simulator app.
Free fishing all year round
Summer fishing? Winter fishing? In our free online simulation game you can visit nearest river, freshwater lake, sea, or ocean for quality sport fishing whenever you want to. Whether it’s the fishing off-season or you’re warming up for your next tournament, play our fishing game – for free! With realistic 3D graphics, fisheries located in the heart of nature, you will feel like you are on an actual fishing trip, standing on the fishing dock, holding your fishing rod – and fighting with your big fish! Win the struggle with a shark or bass and get the title of a fishing master or fish game king! Fishing rocks! For free!